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Conveniently located next to our gift shop, the variety bed was planted in 2007.


The location was originally the outdoor waterbed for our tobacco plants.  In Fall 2006, we filled most of the area with sand and composted dirt in anticipation of creating a special area showcasing a wider variety of lavender plants for our customers to enjoy.


Over the winter months, we researched the different varieties and colors that we felt would survive our growing zone.  A few of the varieties we chose are not in our zone, but we are hoping that the canvas hoop that we used for our tobacco plants may also be used on our lavender to protect our more tender perennials.


Even without the blooms during the 2007 season, the different foliage types were quite interesting to see.  Now the blooms are gorgeous and well worth the wait.  Our plants include:


​ Whites — Edelweiss, Grosso, Provence, and Coconut Ice.


Pinks — Rosea, Hidcote Pink, and Coconut Ice


Yellow — Chiffon Yellow


Red -- Kew Red


Blues/Purples — Sweet Lavender, Royal Velvet, Hidcote, Grosso, Silver Edge, Vera, French, and Munstead.



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