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Still Indoors


First cold weather kept us indoors, then COVID locked us down, and now 90+ degree temperatures are again sending us indoors to the air conditioning.

Since we're here. . .

We've already cleaned out every closet, under every bed, and even the storage areas have been purged. So, now let's get rid of the excess. I have been taking pictures and listing items on our community website and Facebook marketplace. I've already had nibbles on several items!

With items out of the way, its time to get to the nitty gritty. We can help with that! We have carpet freshener, dryer sachets, linen spray, laundry detergent, lavender vinegar, and much more to get your house smelling fresh as you clean.

Start with the bed. Wash your sheets with our lavender laundry detergent. They will come out smelling fresh and clean. If you aren't hanging them out in the sunshine, add a dryer sachet to your clothes dryer to infuse them with the calming scent of lavender.

While the sheets are drying, sprinkle the mattress with carpet freshener. Allow to sit for about 15 minutes and then vacuum. To add a little extra scent, spritz the mattress with our lavender linen spray. Do another spritz after you remake the bed.

You are in for a wonderful night's sleep!

To finish the bedroom, sprinkle some more carpet freshener onto your carpet and again let sit for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming.

Or if you have hardwood floors, you may spend a little air conditioning time creating a new Swiffer cover. Free patterns can be found on Pinterest.

Dust your furniture with a homemade dusting spray.

1 cup water

1/4 cup white vinegar

2 Tablespoons olive oil

20-30 drops essential oil

Mix all ingredients together in an empty spray bottle

Shake before each use. Simply spray on dusting cloth and wipe the dust away.

And add a lasting scent to your drawers with our soft, beautiful lavender drawer liners!

After a long day of housecleaning, you really need to treat yourself with something cold. How 'bout watermelon! And it must have salt!

Ice cold watermelon with a variety of salt blends. We already offer lavender sea salt, but stay tuned for our new line of herb salts including basil salt and chili lime salt. All excellent on summertime watermelon! Enjoy!

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